samedi 2 décembre 2006

sorry m'friends.

i apologize. blogger is refusing to let me upload pictures at the moment. so, i'll delete the one in the last post and then, when this stinkin' website will work for me, i'll post one for everyday i missed and make up for it. kay kay?
i apologize...

so, so...
today i went christmas shopping with Rick. he got the majority of the things he needed to get, and all i got was my father's gift: Pilot Varsity pens. i love them. and i think he'll really, really like them too.

so. here's the list of people i'm givin' givin' to:



i decided not to give presents to all of my boys this year. there's too many of them. i always end up spending over a hundred dollars for them. Chris is an exception since i always burn him a nice cd.
but, however, it's always a tradition for me to get flowers for all of the people that i'm not extremely close to, but i still want to get gifts for. so, i guess all of my darling, obnoxious, infuriating male friends are going to get flowers as well. last year i got lilies. before that year i got irises. this year i'll give daisies. i adore daisies.

it's funny, my father put up a sign in the house that says "write down what you want for christmas." nobody's written on it except for my baby sister (April wrote it for her since, well, Lauren's four.) and she asked for 'pretty stickers.'

i'm going to ask for a white dress. i'll ask to go shopping together since i don't really want him to pick one out for me...
it's for Neha's black&white party on the 23rd. i want to wear white. not black. and the only white dresses i have are only suitable for summer. plus, i have to make a speech in front of everyone, so i want to look decent, at least.

now, if only i could lose 40 pounds...

anyway. life was okay today. i didn't eat too much and i only smoked a little bit. and Rick wasn't so cray cray. i laughed a lot. it was good.