vendredi 1 décembre 2006

these times.

after school, i went to Dr. Pak's to get the second part of Gardasil. Then I went out for burritos.

afterwards, i went to Target. the new Go International line from Behnaz was rather disappointing... i did end up getting some pieces from Mossimo and Merona, like i always do when i'm at Target, for some reason...and i also restocked on Scotch transparent tape and got some sugar cookie lip balm and apple cookie lip balm. oh, and i got some cute underwear.

also. today is the first of December. this means i've been sober for three months now. be proud of me, please; it was really, really fucking hard. *sniffs.* but i'm still debating on whether or not i should scrap it all and go drinking tonight... Paul called earlier today, so... i think it was just because we haven't done it in a while and he's... frustrated.

let's just breathe