jeudi 7 décembre 2006

railroad. which road.

Henna: "they're cutting down the eucalyptus trees on campus."
Young: "they're cutting down the eucalyptus trees?! that's like-- that's-- that's NAZI ISM"
that cracked me up :]
keep in mind that Henna's an aspiring environmentalist
and Young is.. just.. Young.
and as for me. well. i didn't even know we had eucalyptus trees. i just know that koalas eat them.

do you ever feel selfish when you talk about yourself a lot?
i do. tons. i know that this is my blog and everything. but i think i'll refrain from bitching and moaning for a little bit. i feel.. vain.
i'll just say that i'm going out with Angela tonight and i think we're meeting up with Eric later. so.

the tree stood like my mother stands when she's tired. the leaves reminded me of her eyes, when closed and exhausted. and the bark, her worn skin. i was going to climb the tree with my friends a few nights ago. but we didn't because we had drunk our hearts out beneath the branches, smoking cloves and kissing people we shouldn't, escaping from the world. we inhaled and we coughed and we smiled with heartbreaking eyes, trying to laugh and find faith...
the horse's eyes are sadder than my mother's and that's my excuse for not listening to her cry. how pathetic am i. i was going to ride a horse with my friends a few nights ago, but we didn't because we had drunk out hearts out in the fields, smoking cloves and kissing who we wanted to, escaping form the world. we inhaled and we coughed and we smiled with ashen lips, trying to laugh and find faith...