jeudi 11 janvier 2007

merciful, merciful, merciful

oh today!

two trashcans full of wood were outside the band room, and i stole a couple pieces. then during journalism, Dominique and I went back to get some more. except all the trashcans were gone, but the woodshop door was open, so we ventured in and asked some dude with a vacuum. he said there was more, so he let us take come. i now have a number of nice, thin slabs of wood to paint on.

yessir. then! in the band room, there also was a tremendously fucked up violin inside one of the side rooms. i saw it a while ago and i wanted to take it because it was so pretty, but i didn't know if i could, and today i finally remembered to ask. i couldn't find every single piece, but it's enough. and if i find more, then that'll be nice. i now have a fucked up violin to paint on. see:
and! to make the day even more gorgeous-- i got accepted for all-southern in addition to all-state.