lundi 31 décembre 2007

struck gold; not really-- just my life.


'tis new year's eve and my muses have utterly abandoned me, gone to frolic and drink on their own.

pissin' hell.


went out for lunch, ended up not finishing it and buying a very cute lavender knit sweater;
came home, called joann and agonized over article ideas;
wrote 20 lines of a poem, allotted those stanzas to the roman numeral I, then decided that it was unfinished;
went to borders with my father, spent a few hours there and bought:
the past 2 issues of all-story (wes anderson's hotel chevalier and coppola's youth without youth were in them! i always loved that magazine)
& a book called the pillars of the earth by ken follett
& fitzgerald's this side of paradise (which i've already started highlighting);
bought a protein burger from in-n-out on the way home;
ate said burger while standing up;
attempting to write part II of the aforementioned poem.

tonight i get in on at least 45 minutes of practicing my euphonium;
finish the college board's official sat online course (courtesy of lily);
edit this issue's op-ed;
start another painting;
finish that damn poem even if it damn near kills me.

i'm stuck on the middle of the 3rd stanza of part II.

