lundi 10 décembre 2007

on again off again


i think there's a slight problem with my blog-- if, for instance, i post an entry on the 8th, it'll only show up after the 10th. i don't know why, but i'm trying to fix it. but if you check on a day and it seems like i haven't posted, but then a few days later, the posts show up, know that that's why. yes ?

jean paul sartre and simone de beauvoir.
two of my icons.

don't you love it when you find pictures like this-- of two MINDS. the kind of intellects that flow in wrong directions and spout beautiful, beautiful bits of knowledge and truth. don't you love it when you see proof of two great intellectuals/artists/muses communicating with each other-- sharing, discussing, arguing, maybe, and letting their intellectual motivations flourish?
i swear. i want to be significant just so i can mingle with those i think are significant. i want to talk to people that i admire and have them respect my opinion too. you know?
