mercredi 5 décembre 2007

i think i'll have to tell the sky that this is human.


my next journal. i finished my last one a while ago, but i went through a rough phrase and i couldn't decide on what kind of journal i should get. i usually use the five dollar borders brand, or i get a moleskin, but the former has too awkward of a size and the latter's pages tend to be too thick.
but hey, i make blank books from scratch as sort of a hobby, so why not just make my own journals.
but mind you, it was at four in the morning and i didn't attempt to make it too nice-- my journals always end up falling apart anyway.
so here is what i'll store my thoughts in for the next few months or so. asssuming that it lasts that long. oh, and i also posted the first page (the inside flap) of it.
