samedi 3 mars 2007

sweet wasted pages

i can't wait to see this-- i'm sure you all remember Kate Moss and Corinne Day's collaboration fifteen years ago that virtually shifted the tendencies of fashion photography-- beautiful pictures, so provocative and controversial/ influential... the two are working together again :] this time on a project for the National Portrait Gallery.
you know, i've never like Kate Moss all that much, but there's no denying that she's a great model. extremely versatile. i really can't wait to see what's coming.

went to Borders and did my periodical rounds. here's my report, ha:
Harpaar's was mediocre in content, but they had a couple editorials that were entertaining, to say the least (Bazaar+Klein by William Klein and Galliano's Glorious Reign by Simon Proctor)
British Vogue was disappointing; there was a rather exhaustingly cliche article on the now outdated model weight controversy, but New Order by Craig McDean and Pop Hit by Nick Knight was nice as well, although i didn't like the styling much...
W had great editorials, as always, but nothing particularly striking. i liked Welcome to My World by Alas&Pigott (i like almost everything by those two. ingenious, really), Xurbia by Steve Klein, and Ile de la Mode by Michael Thompson, which feature the always dazzling Sasha :]
Zink was slightly disappointing too; it was such a great magazine in its earlier days, it's losing its touch, i think. but still, i liked Thawed by Room 1463 and Room and Bored by Fulvio Maini.
Anthem was the only one that i enjoyed reading. they had a great four page spread on the Cold War Kids'tour, a piece on Placebo, and an all-too short article on e. london night culture. i loved their editorials too; Plastic Fantastic by Catherine Servel, Room Service by Nicolas Wagner, Brooklyn Yards by Jelle Wagenaar, The Outsiders by James Dimnock (Long Nguyen styled it beautifully too)
Nylon had one soft looking editorial, Pink, Lady by Stacey Mark, but that was about it for me. there was an interesting article about Elijah Wood's record label and another piece on Air, but overall i've seen better from them :[

i also got Album, Be Aggressive, and This is Our Youth. no, the latter two are not self help novels. actually, all three of them are new plays-- i'm slipping back into my infatuation for dramatists. last time it was tennessee williams and his darling, tortured characters, now i'm in love with more contemporary plays, raucous language and all. :] cheers.