jeudi 29 mars 2007

change is, at times, terrible.

eric really is the sweetest boy i know. him and mark. really.
and. today i got a peek at mark practicing break dancing with his friends--i think its for some sort of club. or maybe its just boys. but anyway; break dancing involves a lot of looking at the world upside down, in case you haven't noticed, and mark was in such a position for a few seconds and, you know boys and their baggy shirts, his stomach was exposed. good lord.
and i couldn't see eric at mr. chang's on wednesday because he had a swim meet.
sports. sports and boys. sports and their affect on the physique of boys. the physical make up of boys.

oooh, gina. you dirty little ...

anyway. must push those thoughts out of my mind.
must. difficult, but you can do it, gina!

gina wants CANDY.


today, chris and mayor came to my house (mayer? i don't know. i'm horrid with spelling--sorrrry) and my sister literally went chicken legged and owl eyed at the fact that i had boys over without my mother there. animals are useful for figurative language. anyway. mayor/mayer ventured down to the deep corners of my garden and was attacked by grasshoppers. the funniest shit ever. it really was hilarious. the two of them also ate a lot of my sister's rice krispies. she didn't like that too much.
we hung out for a couple hours, meandering and eating and laughing and insulting chris, just because it's too easy. then we walked down to schoolio.


my aunt is here from korea. yay.
she brought me fashion magazines. yay.
i wish i could read korean perfectly fluently. boo.
i just used two adverbs to modify one verb. yay.
but i'm not sure about its grammatical correctness. boo.
but at least i used them. yay.
the world will eventually be overrun with BUSH and his non-adverb using minions. BOO.
case in point: "i did good."

so not funny.