mardi 24 février 2009

it's an excuse that we're making; is it good enough?


Back from Fresno.

I am energy: I change shape and form, and I manifest myself in different ways. You have to understand. THIS is why I am the way I am. And there are different kinds of energy--good, bad, destructive... I can identify so many in me. Each of us is a unique composition of different energies. Some of us are arranged so that our being is composed of neat layers of energy, and others are composed so that they host dichotomies--warring masses--of different energies. I think I am somewhere in between.

Sometimes, when lost, I understand that I am FOUND. But so often, the state of being found is merely one of being CAUGHT. I want to be free from all of it. I want to be able to be happy with being lost, without desire to be found and without fear of being caught. I want to be able to take that into my hands and hold it close and smile.
