dimanche 1 février 2009

absence seizure


Here we are, practicing the art of each other. Here we are with hands outstretched, reaching with an eager, awakened yearning for a new understanding of skin, of cause and effect; what will make the body shake, and what will make it arch. Here we are with a goodbye held afloat between the plain of your gaze and mine, simmering into me and also into you. Here we are without words. Here we are with half an understanding of what faith in another person should be. Here we are in the dimness, trembling, loving, somewhat. Here we are with our hips touching and our knowledge of each other slanted toward the delicacy of the moment. Here we are feeling young in years and eternal in heart, yet slightly aged in our scope for sadness. Here we are facing the start of another era, one i which we will learn, again, blame and forgiveness, vulnerability and fear. Here we are without any doubt over who can feel the deepest and who can love most easily. Here we are with our minds calm and blood racing, unable to speak louder than the sound of skin against skin. Here we are with no concerns. Here we are, amazed. Here we are with a sense of failure and longing that threatens to make the darkness around us seem like home. Here we are with very little to gain and too much to lose. Here we are diving in anyway. Here we are with a mask of strength and a tendency to smile when kissed a certain way. Here we are, together.
