jeudi 11 septembre 2008

how low can you go.


i believe that i am masochistically attracted to constant movement, constant work. i don't like taking the metro because the lines confuse me. i don't like feeling like i am not THERE. and i do not like the awkwardness of speaking and not being heard. i hate the fact that i have been given this beautiful imagination and that i find within myself such dissatisfying or detrimental sources on which this imagination grows. i dream about things that make me sad. i can not stand the instances in which others that once seemed so rational suddenly meet a barrier, on which we stand at opposite ends, forever incapable of breaching our fears and prejudices, our secrets and our hopes.

i think i'm in love with my teacher. it was relatively cold today.

things that save me, once, twice, thrice over:

no official music video. i hope the quality does this song justice. because holy fuck, man. holy fuck:

today i met a lot of people. first day at MAP. esteban. carolyn. berkely. dalia. karina. edwin. ellen. there were a lot more. but i'm bad with names.
we spoke of marlene dumas and other things.

so today i moca'd it out.
tommorow, friday: watch burn after reading with kevin; go to deadline night get home at midnight and SLEEP for test the next day.
day after, saturday: 8am ACT testing; then NOCTURNAL.
later, sunday: cool down down down and then moca for toca assistant-ing.
