samedi 19 juillet 2008

d'Orgueil et Préjugés


how is everybody?

so, i saw the dark knight yesterday. i think i'm going to be spurting out joker monologues for about a month. "why so serious?"

yesterday: went to moca, saw some demonstrators protesting for the japan/dokdo island issue, talked to some guy on the street that seemed way too cracked up on heroine to be safe

i'm not good at detailing my life on my blog. my thoughts exacpe me too quickly; if i don't write it down right afterwards, i forget; either that or i feel as if i'm living vicariously.

today: worked on my sculpture bit, cut my hands about three times with the damn glass; said goodbye to my aunt before going for another practice test... i'm going to miss her so much.

poll time: monster or nocturnal? not enough money for both because money is a bitch-assed little cuntfuck. so i must choose, monster or nocturnal.
