jeudi 27 mars 2008

pose it out.


I never did edit my other post after I came back from the beach...

Sorry about that.

It's odd. Today after I came home, I sat down to work and thought that I'd clean up the desk a bit, but it turned into nearly two hours of organizing one cabinet and the top of the desk.
I understand what my mother means by us having a lot of junk.
We really, really do.
And so, I have decided that one thing that will go on my To Do list for Spring Break is spring cleaning. Just my room, of course. I'd die if I had to do the whole house.

Tomorrow will be a good day. A Friday without a physics exam. It will also be deadline night, but Editorial has already finished, of course, so Joann and I will go have linner at AJ's Chinese restaurant after school before getting some yogurt. Then we will cross the parking lot to Starbucks and we'll have roughly three hours of interviewing Editorial applicants to finish. Blehhh.
Then we'll go to deadline night, bring our colleagues a coffee traveler and stay in Room 250 until midnight before turning into pumpkins.
That will be tomorrow.

Today, however, was off-center. I woke up very early and finished homework, took a hot shower, debated my wardrobe and went to Calc before the first bell rang. Not my usual start to the day.
And Mr. Gunderson wasn't as cute today, for some reason. That was weird.

Chloe, Anja and Clemence-- three of my favorite blonds in one fragrance campaign.

The broken name rippling over the walls of your dry throat,
small omitted sounds that reach from your heart to touch my ears.
My eyes will not open.
I am holding those words behind my skin,
but I will not see.
You have given too much to me; while I burn my hands and dream
of something else, some sin.
I dream of your prayers, unable to make my own.
