mardi 28 avril 2009

i want a subwoofer system on my time machine. boom.


moshi moshi everyone !

i haven't been around lately. sorry. i just haven't been on my computer lately, or home lately, or quiet enough to actually sit down and write a blog entry.

i still love you, though.

so, since the last post, i went to coachella for all three days and back, went to the railroad tracks and back, went to half falling in love and back, and called mary and chris and tried to tell them in my own way, how much i love them both.

since the last post, my throat has been fucked up from the sudden increase of cigarettes, my mind has been wired from adderall and other lovely delicious things that go boom inside, and my journal has been sitting all by it's lonesome; it's hard to write these days.

how have all of you been, though ?

you'll go home. you'll find that home is not home anymore; then the sky will break... but as long as you stay here, you can always think to yourself: one day, i'll go home... no?
fantastic logic, love--so i have a home to go to as long as i don't go there.
exactly; you don't really have a home until you leave it, and then, when you've left it, getting back is impossible.