samedi 24 janvier 2009

pub based mayhem


out with the old :/

in with the new :]

halfway home--tv on the radio
radio cure--wilco
shove it--santogold

A: Class, settle down. This is Jane--she's a new student from California; everyone give a warm welcome. Now, Jane why don't you introduce yourself and tell the class your name, where you're from, and oh, I dunno--demonstrate a talent and say a few things about you that are interesting.
B: Right. Well you just said my name and where I'm from and I don't really fancy being repetitive. Any talents that I'm willing to expose require the removal of certain articles of clothing and are thus inappropriate for these circumstances. Unless, of course, you'd like me to try and demonstrate without removing any clothing, which could also be intriguing. Things that make me interesting include my vocabulary and my ability to make you hate me but want me all at once. I'm also bisexual.
A: ...Right. Thank you. Uh... well, I suppose you can sit down now; there's an empty seat behind Calvin.
