jeudi 4 décembre 2008

my name is overwhelming to me


tonight i go out and bless the air for being so cold.

i was thinking about music and god today as we were discussing the dan graham exhibit that's coming up for moca..
it's interesting how for some people, music is enough--the human mind is enough; emotions and beauty of life are enough and more to fill us and to motivate us into obsession, passion, pride... the doors, patti smith, sonic youth... you watch their live concert videos and both the musician and the crowd are completely pulled underneath a tide of very human, very honest and very raw energy.
but for others.. they spend the majority of their lives searching for more, yearning and following something that is greater than life (could anything ever be?) and praying fervently for something that lies outside of human understanding. this thing called faith and it's demands on the soul... i don't know.
i don't know which is greater; i don't know which constitutes a better life. i think these things change with age, and i think these things can coexist, although it's never easy to bear.
