jeudi 14 février 2008

you have nice bones.


doing justice. that face. that look.

today i didn't go to school except for the last 20 minutes of fourth and lunch for my physics makeup test. why-- because i was up till 5 the night before tossing and turning with stomach pains and heaving with nausea in the restroom next to my room. my mother heated up herb bags for me to put on my stomach and i froze and burned and craved for smoke while feeling as though i had consumed way too much gin, minus the numbness and plus ten times the pain.
so. i ended up sleeping till 8, then getting up to take a hot shower, drink tea, read until my migraine worsened, study physics, go to school, come back, do homework, draw.
the only good thing is that i don't have to eat.
but making up all the work i missed at school is going to be such a bitch.
i wonder if my being so ill has any remote, indirect and subconscious connection with it being loveday today.

oh yeah. i gave a flower to mr. gunderson. and other people, but he's the notable one this year.

kiss someone.
