mercredi 6 février 2008

cage protect another essence this is my half god.


The assignation of safety onto my shoulders--
me, the visitor of the Devil's hour and
my curved back--
occasional virgin.
The weight of being awake
during this long and unremembered, few--
Hours of molded stone.

There is a callously breaking ridge
of foam and bone,
much like the gap between
the sky and the sea;
my frame is shaking, immersed
and raw
as the salt of this water
loathes and covets--
another in between.

My knees hit the floor,
a star on a line under my brow,
the tongue laps in tandem with the wind.
One step away from redemption, I question--
the meaning of--


numbers for the last week:
explications written--2
emily dickinson poems read--18
pieces of blue and white floral pottery found--1
days spent at dr chang's--3
emails written in past 4 days--31
scarves word in past 4 days--6
friends with whom i've reconnected--1

