vendredi 31 août 2007

whose war


les chiffres--

current time: 2:56 am
hours i've been awake: 93
minutes spent tonight fawning over gong yoo: 47
hours spent writing in my journal: 2.75
trader joe's bags i used to cover my book: 2
tests left to study for: 2
times i've refilled my water bottle in the past hour: 4
cups of coffee: 3
e-mails written: 6
minutes spend pondering hair: 17
angel wing clips used to pull back hair: 4
books i need to purchase: 8
bottles of lotion left: 5
plt's saved on my computer: 1,010
articles i'm writing for this month's issue: 2
minutes i waited for my turn to speak to darius: 24

i think i'm less familiar with the backs of my eyelids than the average person.

things left to do--
.. read chapter in physics textbook
.. review demonstrative and relative pronouns in french

to let the world move without fear of being left behind necessitates an astounding amount of confidence. either that, or a ridiculous level of ignorance.
