mercredi 29 novembre 2006


okay. so, i didn't go to school today because the residue of yesterday's migraine was still burning, fiercely, in my bloodstream. plus i felt nauseous. so i slept in really late and then went out for food. afterwards, i went to Dr. Chang's, which i just got back from. now i have... an entire chapter's worth of APEuro homework to do, as well as yesterday's and today's, plus a paragraph to write on Shakespeare's 71st sonnet:


No longer mourn for me when I am dead
Than you shall hear the surly sullen bell
Give warning to the world that I am fled
From this vile world with vilest worms to dwell:
Nay, if you read this line, remember not
The hand that writ it, for I love you so,
That I in your sweet thoughts would be forgot,
If thinking on me then should make you woe.
O! if, I say, you look upon this verse,
When I perhaps compounded am with clay,
Do not so much as my poor name rehearse;
But let your love even with my life decay;
Lest the wise world should look into your moan,
And mock you with me after I am gone.

i've got tons to say about that so it shouldn't be too difficult.
and the last thing i need to do is get started on my AP report on Macbeth.
work work work.
but tomorrow i'm going out with Angela&Eric.

no one could dispute Jeurgen Teller when it came to this series. especially when it was Winona...